4 reasons why your business should partner with an experienced video marketing agency

4 reasons why your business should partner with an experienced video marketing agency

This is why you should work with a Youtube marketing agency to sell your product or service

The effectiveness and appeal of video as a form of online content is evidenced by the proliferation and popularity of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. These channels are predominantly visual in their appeal and have been very effective at demonstrating how video can be used to build online communities, connect people and raise awareness around topical issues. Video marketing agencies continue to produce measurable results that prove that video can be used as a tool to reach niche audiences and stimulate thought and conversation around products and services.

For brands, the rise of video content presents a golden opportunity to produce content that speaks the language of the masses and engages users in a way that leads to sale conversions, establishes brands as authorities in their industries and raises awareness around what brands sell and more specifically, what they stand for. These are five reasons why your business should invest in video marketing.

Online audiences have shorter attention spans

Research has proven that the attention span of online users is shortening. This is particularly true of millennials and Gen Zers, who are digital natives and have been born into a world in which they are bombarded by hundreds of online marketing messages every day.

As certain studies suggest, the average attention span of an online user is between 8 and 12 seconds. Unfortunately, it is therefore not always possible to grab and hold the attention of a consumer using written content. In video content, we find a viable solution that appeals to the heightened need for visual stimulation and seamless, effortless content consumption.

Youtube advertising is measurable

In terms of video marketing, Youtube has led the pack for a number of years as the most effective video content platform to use when reaching specific target audiences. What’s great for brands is that Youtube marketing agencies can access advanced analytics and audience-specific data on their campaigns, which they can use to inform their decisions going forward.

Youtube marketing is therefore a constant and consistent process of trial-and-error and applying the learnings derived from customer data to improve and iterate campaigns to ensure that they are as effective as possible. This function allows brands to tailor their audiences according to specific demographics as well as geographical regions and even personal interests. The advantage of this targeted approach means that brands can ensure they spend their marketing budget as efficiently as possible.

Video content can achieve multiple objectives

The effectiveness and widespread appeal of video content means that it can be used to achieve a range of different objectives. Video marketing companies will therefore pay close attention to the goals of their clients in terms of what they hope to achieve by producing and disseminating video content.

For example, a brand may wish to use content to simply raise awareness – the success of which can be measured by the use of social listening tools and other metrics which demonstrate how many people are talking about a specific brand or product. Alternatively, a company may wish to use a Youtube ad to direct traffic to their company website. In this case the focus will be on how to make the call-to-action clear and concise and to tailor the marketing message in a way that arouses curiosity. Another objective may be to use video as part of a broader content marketing strategy to add value and attract new customers. In this case, longer form video content may be used as a tool for product demos or reviews by prominent public figures in order to attract views.

User-generated content is rising in popularity

The marketing agency in Perth that you partner with will be able to give you advice on how to harness the effectiveness of user-generated content. Video content produced by online media figures, celebrities and influencers is essentially the contemporary version of word-of-mouth marketing. You could, for example, execute a campaign using an influencer to review your product or service or promote it in a way that is entertaining and tailored to the social media channel you have found to be the most engaging. The popularity of user-generated videos has increased dramatically over a very short period of time. Brands should leverage this trend and take advantage of the opportunities for new and repeat business that it can generate.

We specialise in the creation of video marketing campaigns. If you feel that video is something you would like to use as a marketing medium, chat to us, we’ll be able to offer you expert advice on how to go about creating content that converts.

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