It’s an important question. One that only you can answer.
But we’d be stupid not to give you some food for thought, and you are already here.
There are two things we’ve found that our crew value most.
Your work means something, achieves something. You work as part of a team to achieve crystal clear objectives. You know what success looks like and you’re rewarded for it.
We know why most people leave a workplace and it has very little to do with remuneration. Note, in 87% of cases people leave because of their line manager. At 3BY2 management don’t sit in ivory towers. They’re on the floor with you, with the same crystal clear objectives that we all share and achieve together.
Don’t get us wrong. It’s not a kumbaya huddle, we believe in radical candour, we have the hard conversations early, before things go to sh*t. There isn’t blame, excuses or denial. There is a bunch of slightly nerdy MarTech specialists who want to get sh*t done and deliver results for our clients.
We’re raising people’s expectations of marketing, by changing how it’s delivered
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