The services offered by outsourced marketing companies in Perth

The services offered by outsourced marketing companies in Perth

4 managed marketing services you can get under one roof

There are so many ways you can market your business. Digital marketing is an ever-expanding arena filled with opportunities to communicate your message, but that doesn’t mean that traditional advertising is going anywhere any time soon. It’s all about finding the right marketing mix that appeals to your target market. Choosing the right channels can be challenge, and might be the first task you assign to a managed marketing services company in Perth.

The proliferation of different forms of marketing over the last decade has seen businesses consulting several different agencies, each with their own area of specialisation. While this can prove effective, some businesses have found it more beneficial to consolidate their communications.

It’s also easier for managed marketing service companies to syndicate a single message over multiple platforms than to try and coordinate their messaging and timelines with a number of different companies. This consolidated approach allows clients to access multiple touchpoints and gain access to different areas of specialisation in one service. In the long run, this equates to less time spent on project management and administration.

These are some of the services that outsourced marketing companies in Perth offer:

Events management

Hosting an event is one of the most effective ways to launch a product or service, raise brand awareness or provide customers with a way of interfacing with your brand. During the pandemic, physical events were replaced with digital webinars, conferences and pre-recorded talks. Whether you choose to host a physical event or an online one, your managed marketing service company should be able to discuss your options and facilitate the programme in a way that engages your audience and ultimately drives sales.

Print advertising

Traditional print advertising has changed dramatically over the last few years. Where before, print media was produced and disseminated en masse, now print media is being used to target specific audiences in a way that is more bespoke. Essentially, the axiom, “quality over quantity” applies to today’s print media and for businesses, this presents a unique challenge to tailor their message more precisely and ensure that they are optimising the reach that print media can provide.

Community management

With social media marketing being used by more and more brands to build communities around content, community management has become an important part of the marketing mix. This entails social media content creation as well as networking and interacting with customers online. The process can be fairly time-consuming and is an “always-on” obligation. Several B2B marketing services companies in Perth dedicate specific divisions to offering this service to clients.

Public relations

Reputation management, crisis management and public relations plays a central role in how brands build relationships with their audiences. Marketing services that offer PR as part of their offering will be able to position key individuals from your business as thought leaders by facilitating speaking positions and opportunities for them to interact with the media. This is a key PR strategy that is very effective at positioning brands as authorities in their sectors.

We like to think of ourselves as the marketing manager you always wished you had but could never find. Well, we’re here and we’re ready to help you meet your business objectives.

If you’re considering partnering with an outsourced marketing services company in Perth, the perfect partner is just a click away. Connect with us today to discuss your needs.

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