How do DKIM, SPF and DMARC authentication changes impact my business?

How do DKIM, SPF and DMARC authentication changes impact my business?

Strap in and buckle down. The latest changes from Google and Yahoo are in. 

Starting in February, both companies are implementing authentication and spam prevention changes. These new rules will help protect readers from receiving unwanted emails. 


Understanding the Changes: The New(ish) Normal

Best practice marketing for bulk email senders is no longer a ‘nice to have’. 

Properly authenticating your emails protects your domain name. If senders haven’t properly protected themselves, it becomes incredibly easy for bad actors to impersonate domains and send phishing emails —and that will damage your sending reputation.


If business owners want to be sure their emails will arrive, you’ll have to make sure your account is following best practice email authentication and spam prevention. According to the email giants, that means: 

  1. Authenticating your emails using DKIM, SPF and DMARC.
  2. Reducing spam and keeping your spam complaint rate under 0.01%. 
  3. Allow readers to unsubscribe by clicking one link and completing this request in two days. 
  4. Send your emails from your own domain, not an @google or @yahoo address.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will this change impact me? 

These new changes will impact all email senders, with a more immediate impact on bulk senders. Google defines bulk senders as accounts sending 5K daily, but has clarified that this 5K limit is not a ‘safe zone.’

  • What happens if I don’t meet the requirements?

According to the folks at Google and Yahoo, if accounts don’t meet these requirements, emails and messages will bounce back or end up in recipients’ spam folders. 

If time passes and you keep sending emails without making any changes, you could also end up with more permanent blocks on your IP or domain. 

  • What is DKIM?

DKIM is an email authentication method that confirms your legitimacy and trustworthiness as a sender. This protection also ensures the contents of your email and any attachments aren’t altered during transit. 

  • Could these requirements and our understanding of them change? 

Definitely, we expect that as industry feedback rolls in, both providers will make tweaks to best protect users. 


Our Take: These Changes Matter For Every Email Sender

While Google and Yahoo’s changes are mostly aimed at large bulk senders, it doesn’t mean smaller senders or those without regular bulk newsletters should ignore them. 

We believe these changes will filter from large senders and become a requirement for all senders. Protecting your domain, your reputation, avoiding spam and following email best practices are the keys to keeping your readers safe and your email system healthy. 


The 3BY2 Approach: What this change means for you 

3BY2 has always led the way in making sure our clients are using best practices for email marketing. While these changes are now requirements, our automation specialist uses this approach for all 3BY2 clients.


It’s business as usual at 3BY2!

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